EvoLang XIII

The full conference proceedings are available for download here

With great regret we are announcing that Evolang 2020 is cancelled due to the ongoing global coronavirus outbreak. We do not take this decision lightly and understand the impact it will have on many of you who have already made travel plans, or who were relying on the conference in order to present and discuss your work. We will be refunding your conference fees in full.

There were many factors we took into account when making this decision. There is of course some doubt we would have physically been able to hold the conference, given how fast moving the situation is. However, in the end we felt that, even if we were able to hold the conference, it would have been a much reduced affair, and would have excluded a lot of people who were restricted from travelling either by advice from their government, their university, or due to individual health concerns. In addition, there is a general feeling that limiting non-essential public gatherings, especially where they involve substantial travel, is a good thing to do in order to spread out impact on health care systems.

We think the work that was due to be presented at Evolang 2020 is of an outstanding calibre and we hope to be able to find some way of giving that work the outlet it deserved – perhaps with a rescheduled conference in a yearโ€™s time. We cannot make that decision right now, but will keep you posted on any developments along those lines.

We want to thank all the people who have been working so hard towards Evolang 2020, and who will be bitterly disappointed that it is not taking place: the local organising committee, the scientific committee, workshop organisers, reviewers, plenary speakers, and of course researchers like yourself who chose this as the place to tell the community about your work. We hope we will meet again soon.

Simon Kirby, Erica Cartmill (co-chairs)
Bart de Boer (local organiser)

Join the conference’s Telegram channel at https://t.me/evolang!


Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Boulevard de la Plaine 2, 1050 Ixelles

The conference will be held at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Brussels, Belgium, close to the train station Etterbeek. For more information about getting to the conference, please see the Travel and Transport page. For more information about the venue, please see Conference Venue.

About the conference

The EvoLang conference series provides the major meeting for researchers worldwide in the origins and evolution of language.

The EvoLang conferences are interdisciplinary, with contributions from disciplines including, but not limited to: anthropology, archeology, artificial life, biology, cognitive science, genetics, linguistics, modeling, paleontology, physiology, primatology, and psychology. Typically, about 300 delegates attend, with representatives from all these disciplines.

Important dates

  • Workshop proposals deadline: 1 June 15 June, notification by: 1 August
  • Abstract submission deadline: 1 September 15 September, notification by: 1 December
  • Conference: 14 – 17 April 2020

EvoLang XIII Scientific Committee

EvoLang XIII Local Committee

contact: evolang2020@ai.vub.ac.be๏ปฟ

EvoLang Permanent Committee