Call for Workshop Proposals

Workshop proposal by: 1 June June 15 notification by: 1 August

EvoLang XIII will host up to five thematically focused, half-day workshops on April 14, 2020. This time can accommodate, for example, 8 half-hour slots with 15 minutes for an introduction and 30 minutes for breaks. Other formats within the allotted time are also welcome.

What to submit

Workshop proposals should be no more than 500 words excluding references.

Please specify the following:

  • The theme of the workshop and how it fits EvoLang
  • How many talks and how they will be reviewed
  • A list of invited speakers, should they be known
  • Whether and how the organizers plan to publish the proceedings/results of the workshop
  • If applicable, a detailed motivation to limit the number of participants

How to submit

Send proposals as a PDF attachment to byย  June 1 June 15, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be given by August 1, 2019. The detailed scheduling of the workshops and the quality of workshop contributions will be left to the workshop organizers, who are independently responsible for inviting and reviewing submissions and/or speakers for their workshop, and notifying participants in due time to register for the conference.